Monday 16 March 2015

Importance of the Muslims Ummah’s Unity

Muslims are the believers and have faith to Allah, the most Merciful and Almighty. Ummah is basically an Arabic word which means community. Here Muslims Ummah is the community of Muslims. Allah Almighty says: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided”.  In the Holly Book Quran Allah makes it clear to the Muslims to get together united and do not divide or divide in to the groups. Unity is very important and in the above Ayah of Quran it is clearly mentioned to us that not to be divided and tightly hold or grip the unity among Muslims community. But, unfortunately, Muslims are now not united and they themselves divide each other into some different groups and sectors. This is actually totally against of this Ayat. If Muslims are truly believers than they must follow the instructions of Allah provided to us in Quran and Surahs of Quran.

Today if we Muslims, se ourselves we are divided into different sects and groups which is one of the main cause to our destruction. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “Believers are like parts of a building, each part supporting the other”. Muslims should and must understand this only if we want to be successful, unity is the first reference to success.  Muslims are behind every thing that if we see education, Muslims are far away from this, technology, trade and every field. In other occasion Prophet (PBUH) says: “One who gets up at the morning and his/her mind is not preoccupied with the matters of Muslims, is not one of them”. This Hadith of the Prophet concludes that all Muslims are brother to each other and are like one and single body.  

All the Muslims believes that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is the Prophet of Allah, Holly Book Quran is the book revealed from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which brings guidelines for the mankind. All Muslims do perform five times prayer and pray their prayers in the direction of Qibla (Kaaba) from all over the world, Kaaba is the main and single point towards all Muslims does perform their prayers. At Makah all Muslims around the world do perform the Pilgrim each year.  This is where Allah says and instructs us to be united and live like brothers to each other.

Now we see Muslims have become enemies of each other and differentiate each other into different sects and groups.  How is it possible to help and think good for each other? Yes this possible if we Muslims overcome the minor and irrelevant differences that cause separation.  Muslims believes on same things and belief. They belief and have faith on the oneness of Allah Almighty, The Prophets, The Holly Quran and the day of judgment. In 56th Surah of Quran Surah Al-Waqiah Allah reveals and acknowledge us about the world that how it will broken down and the creation of the universe that Allah created these all.

Islam teaches us the lessons of humanity and all Muslims are equal regardless to their culture, nationality, or gender. Islamic and Muslims unity is the only way or path for whole of the Muslims Ummah and community and the future is tied up with their unity. Respect to all the faith and human dignity. Human’s dignity and Muslims characters should be guiding according to the principals of Islam. This all can be only achieved if there a common ground believes and practices are light up. Muslims should not disrespect or harm other religious believes. 

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