Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Blessings and Virtues of the Month of Ramadan

Every year, Muslims are given a chance to glorify their deed records and get their past sins forgiven. Those blessed to live long enough to experience this month consider themselves to be very lucky.  It is the most celebrated month of the Islamic calendar. Through this month, they are taught great patience and self control as they have to observe fast from early morning till the setting of the sun. There are countless blessings and virtues of this month, here we shall discuss a few:

Great rewards:

Every great deed in Ramadan is multiplied by seventy. Hence, if we wish to earn great rewards then Ramadan should be utilized at its best. This is also supported in the following hadith:

“Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Ramadan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.”  (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah)

In addition to that, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has said in numerous ahadith that our chances of entering heaven are increased and that the devil is chained. Since the devil is chained, we’ll be getting less evil thoughts in our heads. We should learn and recite surahs of Quran and if possible we have to memorize and learnlast 10 Surahs of Quran which are very short Surahs and easy to memorize.

“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.” (Bukhari)

Thus, this would automatically increase our chances of doing great deeds and consequently earning great rewards. Therefore, we should keep ourselves busy with great practices like reading or reciting the Quran especially the important surahs like SurahAl-Waqiah has numerous benefits and the best dua for the Muslims in Quran is Ayatul Kursi, which has countless rewards and blessings.

A solution for the past sins:

As Humans, we sin. We sin a lot. But as Muslims, we have the blessed opportunity of getting our past sins forgiven. Especially in the month of Ramadan:

“.. Whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, and then all his past sins will be forgiven."  (Bukhari)

We must also understand that Allah loves the act of asking for His forgiveness. It is only natural that we sin, but we should then acknowledge this mistake and immediately ask for His forgiveness. It is a greater sin to know our mistake but keep on doing it without asking forgiveness.

Health benefits:

The month of Ramadan is known to have many health benefits. This is due to the fasting that we do that our body gets the chance to revive its digestive system. Starving for a couple of hours and then breaking the fast results in us consuming mostly water. This way, we consume less food and those who have weight problems lose their weight by a great magnitude.


The month of Ramadan has many blessings and any Muslims who is lucky enough to experience it must practice as many good deeds as he can in order to achieve a great place in jannah.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Most Rewarded and Beneficial Ayat of Holly Quran

Ayatul Kursi is the 256th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, and is the most beautiful Ayat of Holly Quran. Surah Baqarah is the leader of the Quran Surah in Quran and Ayatul Kursi is the leader of Surah Al-Baqarah. There are total 114 Surahs or chapters in the Holly Quran and each Ayah and Surah of the Quran is very valuable and important. Among those surahs, some Surahs have given more rewards and benefits. As Surah Yaseen is called as the heart of the Holly Quran, Quran Surah Al-Waqiah is known as Surah of Wealth because of its benefits on recitation and many more.

Abu Umamah said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi sharply after each prayer, there will be nothing standing between his/her and his/her entering to Paradise except death”. And also says:”To read and recites Ayatul Kursi after each prayer, their prayer will be accepted, he/she will remain in the safety of Allah Almighty and Allah will protect them”. From the above Hadiths of the Holly prophet (PBUH) it is clearly can be noticed that Ayatul Kursi ha very important role in our life and the life after this world. Recitation of the Ayatul Kursi takes no time but in return it gives the blessings of Allah is countless.

There are numerous Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) that narrates and emphasizes Muslims to read and recite Ayatul Kursi. “To recites Ayatul Kursi every morning, will protect, safety of Allah Almighty until the night and one who recites Ayatul Kursi every night before getting sleep, will be in protection, safety of Allah until the morning”. Similarly if someone writes Ayatul Kursi on white paper and ties this on the neck of someone, he will be protected from the Shaitaan. “Before leaving home, recites Ayatul Kursi. Almighty Allah will send angels to do astaghfar for him, until he returns home and on his return, poverty will be removed from him”. “If someone is alone at home and fears than he should recite Ayatul Kursi, Allah will make him calm and he will not fear”.  Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “Those, who’s near ones have been passed away, recitation of Ayatul Kursi as giving to Hadiya to them, gives them light (noor) in their graves”.

There are numerous Hadiths providing the benefits and importance of Ayatul Kursi, the Reciter of the Ayatul Kursi will be protected from the evils and its recitation gives as equal rewards as quarter of Whole Quran recitation. It makes them safe his children, home, wealth, poverty and his neighbors too.  

Hence let us not to miss reciting of Ayatul Kursi, there we have developed and designed an application of Ayatul Kursi for the Muslims. This application contains full Ayatul Kursi with its audio recitation, translation and transliteration. This app will help you to read and recite Ayatul Kursi from your mobiles and smart phones. So recite Ayatul Kursi and gain its immense rewards and blessings. And also share it with you friends and relatives to recite Ayatul Kursi and attain the greatest virtues and benefits of the Ayat Ayatul Kursi of the Holly Quran.

Monday 16 March 2015

Importance of the Muslims Ummah’s Unity

Muslims are the believers and have faith to Allah, the most Merciful and Almighty. Ummah is basically an Arabic word which means community. Here Muslims Ummah is the community of Muslims. Allah Almighty says: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided”.  In the Holly Book Quran Allah makes it clear to the Muslims to get together united and do not divide or divide in to the groups. Unity is very important and in the above Ayah of Quran it is clearly mentioned to us that not to be divided and tightly hold or grip the unity among Muslims community. But, unfortunately, Muslims are now not united and they themselves divide each other into some different groups and sectors. This is actually totally against of this Ayat. If Muslims are truly believers than they must follow the instructions of Allah provided to us in Quran and Surahs of Quran.

Today if we Muslims, se ourselves we are divided into different sects and groups which is one of the main cause to our destruction. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: “Believers are like parts of a building, each part supporting the other”. Muslims should and must understand this only if we want to be successful, unity is the first reference to success.  Muslims are behind every thing that if we see education, Muslims are far away from this, technology, trade and every field. In other occasion Prophet (PBUH) says: “One who gets up at the morning and his/her mind is not preoccupied with the matters of Muslims, is not one of them”. This Hadith of the Prophet concludes that all Muslims are brother to each other and are like one and single body.  

All the Muslims believes that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is the Prophet of Allah, Holly Book Quran is the book revealed from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which brings guidelines for the mankind. All Muslims do perform five times prayer and pray their prayers in the direction of Qibla (Kaaba) from all over the world, Kaaba is the main and single point towards all Muslims does perform their prayers. At Makah all Muslims around the world do perform the Pilgrim each year.  This is where Allah says and instructs us to be united and live like brothers to each other.

Now we see Muslims have become enemies of each other and differentiate each other into different sects and groups.  How is it possible to help and think good for each other? Yes this possible if we Muslims overcome the minor and irrelevant differences that cause separation.  Muslims believes on same things and belief. They belief and have faith on the oneness of Allah Almighty, The Prophets, The Holly Quran and the day of judgment. In 56th Surah of Quran Surah Al-Waqiah Allah reveals and acknowledge us about the world that how it will broken down and the creation of the universe that Allah created these all.

Islam teaches us the lessons of humanity and all Muslims are equal regardless to their culture, nationality, or gender. Islamic and Muslims unity is the only way or path for whole of the Muslims Ummah and community and the future is tied up with their unity. Respect to all the faith and human dignity. Human’s dignity and Muslims characters should be guiding according to the principals of Islam. This all can be only achieved if there a common ground believes and practices are light up. Muslims should not disrespect or harm other religious believes. 

Monday 26 January 2015

Conscience and Freedom of Conscience in Islam

Conscience is a judgment that constitute in the meaning to differentiate between the right and wrong.  Moral aspect of actions in a manner of good deeds and in religious views, conscience is usually the links to a morality given to all human being.  In the late traditions, conscience is the label of views to composing knowledge about the good and wrong. Right is to perform the primarily duty of good deeds to others without the expectation in response, it helps to purify the hearts.

In the concept of Islamic views, the Taqwa is closely related to the word conscience, in the Holly Quran versus (2:197, 22:37) Taqwa is referring to the deeds or acts to do right.  In the verses of Quran, Allah says: “that Allah Has perfected the soul, the conscience and Has taught it the right and wrong”. Hence the conscience of right and wrong has inherited in soul of the mankind, in verses (49:13) Allah says: “O mankind We have created you as the male and female and constituted you into the different groups and societies so that you may come to know each other and noblest of you in the sight of Allah, is the one with Taqwa”.

Humans are free to free to choose the right and wrong but the guidelines revealed to us is the Quran, providing us the knowledge and information to do those acts which are right and avoid the acts, from which we are avoided.  Allah brought us the five pillars of Islam and deeds in a manner of piety, self and moral disciplines, socials and communicably interactions.

Where mankind is driven and put in true inspirations of act naturally. And for man laws, they demand for a high standard of behavior, but his lacks due to actual practices. And if there no source of motivation to encourage or convince to that of self activated. For this reason Almighty Allah revealed Holly Quran, in purpose to encourage and motivate the people of the world to the right and warn them about the wrong path. Quran Surahs brings laws and guidelines to the mankind that helps in the righteous.

The faith in Islam is to belief on the presence of Allah and that He is with us wherever you may be, Allah observes and aware of us at all times and in our all actions. So, therefore we all must attain the blessing of Almighty Allah and we must show our way towards truth and right. Islam, Muslims are educated with conscience on the basis that man should be bears god moral actions.   

So in conclusion it is be noticed that in a whole mankind a true human being is the one in whom a belief has settled in the depth of his/her heart, and there is no conscience without faith. 

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Secrets of Success for Muslims (A General Overview)

Success cannot be taken as a daily routine but the most we see around us, somebody be good and very successful in his/her life. As they may more successful as a husband to his wife or some may be more successful to his/her parents. Another might be good in work and would be more successful in the professional level and some may be have more successful relation with Allah and all these goes on and on.

All this succession can be define with the related court of civilization. One could not be successful, unless you are successful in relation or connection with the Allah, with your parents, family members and to whole of your community. All these relation related to each other and this has a great impact on your personal and social life as well.

Similarly your success also depends upon your health, if you do caring your health and eating all the fresh and good food, your health will be good and this makes a person to be success in his/her life.  These are factors are related to the connection between you and Allah. Success is yours if you are dutiful to the act that Allah revealed us to do and avoid all those from which, we are avoided. The things to eat and which are not to eat, the acts of worship to act a day and are not accepted to do at night. Because Allah, Has organized us a proper pattern to do and a religion Islam brought to us, as to obey according to this. Quran, the Holly Book of Allah, is full of guidelines to follow.

In our social activities we are watching around and observe many kind of the activities, some would be rushing to their offices, some would working around, some would walking and some would be travelling in a car, train, bus and as many others. But you will notice a very few of the people would do the act obeying the instructions of Allah. If there is Salah (Prayer) time and you will see very less of the people in the Mosque doing their pray, and if they do so, it would be not exactly on its proper timing.  Here if we just think of our activities what are we doing? And what we were supposed to do? You will clearly notice the reason behind all these hardship that Muslims are suffering.

If we do care of minor factors in our daily life, than it would be possible for us to bring us on the way to which Allah instructed us to follow. These are the some idea that I would like to share with you all.

When it Doubts, Do try to find the Answers:
                                                If we think and try to find the answers for what we are created?  What are we instructed to do and what is the right path that Allah brought us to follow? All these kind of answering would definitely help you in bringing you to the process to obey your Lord. Try to fix the relation between you and the Allah.

Use Halal ways to spent you life:
                                    Halal means the ways of Islam that brought to us as guidance and gives us the resources to. If we see around the society now a day’s none of the people do care about this. The fact this is the main building pillar of a person towards his/her life. If we concentration on the translation of the Quran Surahs, not only recitation, many of the Surahs contain the information regarding to the Halal.  So try not to recite Quran only, but also keep studying the translation too.

Keep the environment of you home free of Sins:
                                                It is also most important for a Muslims not only do worship Allah but also do keep your home free from Islamic laws violation. Keep your family according to the sys of Quran and Hadiths. Almighty Allah says: “Allah has promised those among you who believe and are in right path, that Allah will certainly grant them the succession in the earth.”

Your success is inclusive to your relation with Allah, your relation with you parents, wife and other family members, your relation with your work, with your health and this makes your succession to be fulfilled.